• Random Quote

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    — George Carlin

A Video for Rio Tierra Casitas, and a Medical Mystery for Me

In early 2010 I had the chance to work on a video project in Wickenburg, Arizona for a bed & breakfast named Rio Tierra Casitas. In truth, they are more expansive than a B&B since they rent out 3 small guest houses for short and long term lodging.  Located along …

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Repo Man Meets Dr. Jung

  Written and directed by British filmmaker Alex Cox, Repo Man is a marvelously original and satiric look at the cultural wasteland of L.A.–the cutting edge of the future. What if Dr. Strangelove had gone in for car repossession rather than thermonuclear warfare? Toying with Hollywood cliches and genres–teen exploitation, …

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