• Random Quote

    A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.

    — H.L. Mencken

Dingoes in the Dark

                                                             Travels to Uluru   While traveling across Australia in the 1980s, I visited Ayers Rock on several occasions. The surveyor William Gosse named the sandstone monolith for the Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers, in 1873. The local people call it Uluru. At the time, the Azaria …

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‘Three Dog Ed’ is Missing

Later, Ed got a job working with animals and mentioned caring for a mountain lion. We shared an interest in animals and wildlife, and he showed me photos he had taken of tarantulas and rattlesnakes around his campsite. Ed respected wildlife and even the rattlesnakes were left alone to come and go as they pleased.

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The Myth of the Monstrous Male — A book review by Randy Graham

Gordon warns that feminists’ attack on male lust, coupled with their recent penchant for “Anatomy is Destiny” arguments — i.e., women are innately wonderful, men beastly — is going to catapult us back to the days when women were supposed to be angels and men John Wayne.

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