• Random Quote

    Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which, before their union, were not perceived to have any relation.

    — Mark Twain

The Myth of the Monstrous Male — A book review by Randy Graham

Gordon warns that feminists’ attack on male lust, coupled with their recent penchant for “Anatomy is Destiny” arguments — i.e., women are innately wonderful, men beastly — is going to catapult us back to the days when women were supposed to be angels and men John Wayne.

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Repo Man Meets Dr. Jung

  Written and directed by British filmmaker Alex Cox, Repo Man is a marvelously original and satiric look at the cultural wasteland of L.A.–the cutting edge of the future. What if Dr. Strangelove had gone in for car repossession rather than thermonuclear warfare? Toying with Hollywood cliches and genres–teen exploitation, …

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