• Random Quote

    By and by when each nation has 20,000 battleships and 5,000,000 soldiers we shall all be safe and the wisdom of statesmanship will stand confirmed.

    — Mark Twain

Wildlife of the Antipodes

                                We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Placentas!   It is commonly believed that marsupials, such as the kangaroos and cuddly koalas, are ‘primitive’ and ‘inferior’ when compared to placental mammals, which includes rats, cats, whales and humans. In certain regions of the world, and among certain species, this claim has …

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From Gondwanaland to Australia

     After observing the fantastically unexpected marsupials of Australia, Charles Darwin commented: “An unbeliever…might exclaim ‘Surely two distinct Creators must have been at work.’”       Australia was once part of the super-continent Gondwana–named by the 19th century Austrian geologist Eduard Suess after a district in India. Suess …

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